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Endless Summer Bloomstruck: The Hydrangea That Blooms All Summer Long

Endless Summer Bloomstruck: The Hydrangea That Blooms All Summer Long


The Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangea is a popular choice for gardeners who want a beautiful, easy-care shrub that blooms all summer long. This hydrangea is a rebloomer, which means that it produces flowers on both old and new wood. This gives it a long blooming season, from early summer to late fall.

Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangeas are also known for their vibrant colors. The flowers can be pink, blue, or purple, depending on the acidity of the soil. If you want blue flowers, you'll need to have acidic soil. If you want pink flowers, you'll need to have alkaline soil.

In addition to their beautiful flowers, Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangeas are also relatively low-maintenance. They are hardy in zones 4-9, so they can be grown in most parts of the country. They also tolerate heat and humidity well.

Main Content

If you're thinking about adding an Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangea to your garden, here are a few things you should know:

  • Planting: Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangeas should be planted in full sun or partial shade. They prefer well-drained, moist soil.
  • Watering: Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangeas need regular watering, especially during the first year after planting. Once they are established, they are more drought-tolerant.
  • Fertilizing: Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangeas should be fertilized in early spring with a balanced fertilizer. You can also fertilize them again in late summer.
  • Pruning: Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangeas do not need to be pruned heavily. You can simply remove any dead or diseased branches in the spring.
  • Diseases and pests: Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangeas are generally resistant to diseases and pests. However, they can be susceptible to powdery mildew. If you see signs of powdery mildew, you can treat it with a fungicide.


Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangeas are a beautiful and easy-care shrub that can add color and interest to your garden all summer long. If you're looking for a hydrangea that is low-maintenance and blooms for a long time, then the Endless Summer Bloomstruck is a great choice.

Additional Information

  • Here are some tips for getting the best blooms from your Endless Summer Bloomstruck hydrangea:

    • Plant it in a location that gets full sun or partial shade.
    • Water it regularly, especially during the first year after planting.
    • Fertilize it in early spring with a balanced fertilizer.
    • Prune it lightly in the spring to remove any dead or diseased branches.
    • Keep an eye out for powdery mildew and treat it if necessary.
  • Here are some other varieties of Endless Summer hydrangeas:

    • Endless Summer Original
    • Endless Summer Blue Heaven
    • Endless Summer Kisses
    • Endless Summer Romance
    • Endless Summer Twister

Are you looking for a hydrangea that will bloom all summer long? Look no further than Endless Summer Bloomstruck! This stunning hydrangea features plush, full blooms that range in color from cheerful yellow to white-lavender to deep-violet. With its easy care and long bloom season, Endless Summer Bloomstruck is the perfect addition to any garden.

To learn more about Endless Summer Bloomstruck, visit Garden Wiki. This website has a wealth of information about the plant, including its care requirements, planting tips, and more. You can also find photos of Endless Summer Bloomstruck in bloom, so you can see for yourself how beautiful it is.

FAQ of endless summer bloomstruck

Q: What is Endless Summer Bloomstruck?

A: Endless Summer Bloomstruck is a type of hydrangea that blooms repeatedly throughout the summer. It is a hybrid of the Endless Summer and Bloomstruck hydrangeas, and it is known for its large, colorful blooms.

Q: How do I care for an Endless Summer Bloomstruck?

A: Endless Summer Bloomstruck is a relatively easy plant to care for. It prefers full sun to part shade, and it needs moist, well-drained soil. It should be fertilized in the spring with an acid fertilizer if blue blooms are desired.

Q: What are the benefits of growing an Endless Summer Bloomstruck?

A: There are many benefits to growing an Endless Summer Bloomstruck. It is a beautiful plant that adds color and interest to the landscape. It is also a relatively low-maintenance plant, so it is a good choice for busy gardeners.

Q: What are the challenges of growing an Endless Summer Bloomstruck?

A: There are a few challenges to growing an Endless Summer Bloomstruck. It can be susceptible to pests and diseases, and it may not bloom as well in hot, dry climates. However, with proper care, Endless Summer Bloomstruck can be a long-lived and trouble-free plant.

Q: Where can I buy an Endless Summer Bloomstruck?

A: Endless Summer Bloomstruck is available at most garden centers and online retailers.

Image of endless summer bloomstruck

5 different images of "endless summer bloomstruck" from Pinterest:

  1. Endless Summer Bloomstruck in full bloom. The blooms are a beautiful blend of white, lavender, and violet, with a cheerful yellow center. Image of Endless Summer Bloomstruck in full bloom
  2. A close-up of the blooms. The petals are soft and delicate, with a slightly ruffled edge. Image of Close-up of Endless Summer Bloomstruck blooms
  3. A single bloom. The bloom is about 3-5 inches in diameter, and it is very full and lush. Image of Single bloom of Endless Summer Bloomstruck
  4. A plant of Endless Summer Bloomstruck in a garden. The plant is about 3-4 feet tall, and it is covered in blooms. Image of Plant of Endless Summer Bloomstruck in a garden
  5. A leaf of Endless Summer Bloomstruck. The leaves are dark green and oval-shaped. Image of Leaf of Endless Summer Bloomstruck

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